You are not alone

Getting Help

You may have just read about the types of abuse and discovered that you are in an abusive relationship. You are not alone and you are not to blame. You cannot control this violence. We can help. Call us at 1-877-800-2272.

The first step is often the hardest. If nothing is done, the abuse will not stop. Help is available. Recognize that no one has the right to control you and that it is everyone’s human right to live without fear. You can find more details about creating your own emergency plan at

Not ready to make that call?

Ways You Can Keep Yourself Safe

  • Call the police if you have been assaulted (#’s in front pages of phone book).
  • Call a friend or family member you trust.
  • Decide what is best for you. Set your own limits, stick to them and feel good about taking charge of your life.
  • Tell someone and keep a record of all incidents for evidence.
  • Write down the details for yourself as soon as possible after the assault. Keep it in a safe place where your partner won’t find it.
  • Develop a safety plan. Memorize emergency numbers (#’s in front pages of phone book). Keep spare house and car keys handy. Know where you can stay in an emergency.
  • Consider ending the relationship as soon as possible. Without intervention, the violence will increase in frequency and severity as time passes.
in your area.

Legal Information

It is never too soon or too late to find out what laws and agencies offer protection and help for you and your children. You can get legal information from a legal information service or women’s shelter in your area.

Cara Transition House has information on:

  • peace bonds
  • emergency protection orders
  • custody and access for the children
  • child support
  • exclusive possession of the home and other property rights
  • assault